I scanned this pattern into the computer & took it apart digitally so I could rebuild it for the collage.
{now I'm obsessed with finding more patterns to do this to...}
and...today's embroidery pattern is a Laura Wheeler:

finally, Flor says it perfectly here in regards to the Vogart/Plaid situation.
Wow! What a cool idea, and with such fantastic results! Your work is stunning. :)
Awesome. Really fun.
OH MY GOSH!! this is the greatest thing! I would die to have one of those vintage patterns hanging in my room!!! so wonderful!
wow- I love this! Super original creative idea. I love the vibrant colors you decided to go with too.
You've done an amazing job on the pattern, that is my favorite of all your "people" so far!
Sweet mother of all thing fabulous! This makes me giddy!
That is fantastic
Wow - I love the collages! Fantastic idea!
Love love love!
Wonderful! I really like this technique you've been doing. And that last bluebird is tooooo sweet.
gina- i have a lot of patterns, i'll photograph them if you are interested and scan any that you like. let me know.
what a great idea of yours!
and those patterns are so sweet :)
What a wonderful idea. Makes me wish I had not sold all my old sewing patterns.
What a brilliant idea! Love it!
This is so cool! I love it!!
this is some awesome work. I hope it's OK that I've linked to it from my blog
Kew-ell! I love how your brain works.
What is pretty neat! Gee, go on Flickr and see if anyone has scanned other patterns in.
That is so cool.
I like the blue dress pattern more then the red one although they are both quite pretty.
-Zane of ontario honey
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