I used the wee wonderfuls' free pattern available here.
{on a side note - hilary's ribbon doll is soooo dang cute!}
anyway...the edges & hangers are ric rac {which my mom helped me with - okay, she did all the sewing...I confess!} & they are backed with a green & white flannel fabric. my family teased me that they seemed to be pot-holders but they're just decorative. she always decorates her house so nicely for xmas and since her birthday is at the beginning of dec. it was fun to give her something she could use for the holiday.
and of course I would never forget the weekly embroidery transfer! today is one I found cut and loose in a pile of misc. transfers:

I love those x mas patterns!!! I can't wait to use them!
Oh my goodness. MUST. STITCH. MUSHROOMS!
Good gravy! I just gasped out loud at that transfer! thank you! :)
And beautiful work on the wee embroidery, too. :)
I love the Embroidery elves. Thank you for the patterns.
I love the mushroom pattern.
aack. That transfer is gorgeous. Thanks sooooo much for sharing.
OOOh, thanks for the neat mushroom transfer. It reminds me of the "nature drawings" I used to do as a kid.
Ohhhhhh! I've had this same transfer (cut and loose) for years and years now. I've never stitched it before, but now I just might have to.
love the rick-rack on the sides~!
Oh, I stitched these two side by side last Christmas and put them on a pillow I made. Turned out cute!! I like your idea also!
Those are so sweet! I love elves. Almost as much as I love shrooms!
thanks for the mushrooms! you are so generous!
hey thanks man :)
and your elves turned out so cute! I love embroidery thursdays!
What a great pattern. Thanks for sharing. I've been wanting to get back into stitching and this is the perfect pattern to start with, I love the mushrooms.
Could I use one of these photos in a post I'm doing about things I'm admiring these days? I'll link to you & Hillary, of course.
Thank you for the pattern! It is beautiful! I used a couple of the mushroom and a butterfly on a gift for my sister. I am linking to your bloggy blog and pattern from my blog. Thanks again!
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