these adorable {working} kazoos are handmade in the US; in the wonderful little town where I grew up, in a factory that's been there since 1907 {more history here}.
if you're looking for a unique toy, that's not made in China, I hope you'll consider purchasing one here...and I hope you don't mind this little plug for a small-town business close to my heart.
have a great weekend or long holiday weekend if you're in the states...I'll be taking monday off to fully enjoy my 3 days - see you tuesday!
{p.s. please read flor's comment on my previous post if you're following the vogart situation}
Awesome! This would be a great Christmas gift for the baby. So weird-- she found a plastic kazoo of her sister's when she was 10 months and somehow knew how to play it. Cool but sort of creepy. :)
those are so much fun! I think my three girls would love them! Thanks for sharing!
Small world! We are from the same neck of the woods. Love your blog, I'll visit again soon.
wow! those are so... unique! :]
Wow, What an mipressive collection. I think they're a fabulous gift idea!
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