I went to an antique mall & found two nice scenic paint by numbers {$6 for both}:

I also bought some retro ties for the man of the house at the thrift store, modeled here by the other man of the house:

{I don’t usually go to the antique mall & the thrift store has been off-limits because of my summer thrifting rules but there were no estate or church sales to go to…}
And finally, I bought these at a rummage sale awhile back:

I was going to pass on them but then I thought, you’re going to think of something to make with those later & then be very peeved you didn’t get them. So I bought all of them for 50 cents.
Then this weekend an idea came to me & I made these two necklaces by cutting one of them up:

So a little bit of thrifting & a little bit of thrifted crafting for you this Monday after the 4th…hope you enjoy!
Fantastic necklaces!!! Now when I try to explain why I keep/buy/need crazy things I can show this as an example. "Look what great things can be made from funky stuff."
Ooh. nice necklaces! I was thinking they'd make great snowflakes, come winter.
Amazingly cool necklaces!
Wow he looks good in a tie as well as an apron!
Anna, CM
cool ties. I love the necklaces. Personally I love doilies, but never know what to do with them. Clever use.
Those are adorable necklaces. I just love the paint by numbers, also. I have a magazine--must be Country Living, Country Home, or one similar--that has a gorgeous stairway with walls covered in old paint by numbers. They are so fun.
super clever idea- they look really great too. Simple and sweet
on the necklaces are GORGEOUS!!!!
doilys rule! great job. try using them as stencils. set them on paper, paint over and make wallpaper. set on a skirt, paint over with fabric paint and make a cool design. just some ideas!
I love love love the necklaces! Now I can only hope I'll run across some plastic doilies one day!
love those necklaces!!
the necklaces are too cool!!!
the necklaces are super funky fun!! thanks for sharing
I make necklaces from paper dollies! janice x
You are a freaking genius!
I have been looking for plastic doilies for another project for a while and can't find any. Can anyone tell me where I can find them?
hi bjan - I'm sorry you've had trouble finding the plastic doilies. I think its really hit or miss with the best places to look probably thrift stores & estate sales. You could try ebay...you never know. Sorry I can't be more help...maybe someone else will have better suggestions!
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