I’ve made several of these embroidered topped boxes as gifts – this one was my first & I’ve kept it for myself. I have another one in the works now but I’m moving like molasses lately!
I have some old McCall’s Needlework magazines and whenever I look through them there are all these ads with crazy amazing kits you could buy, with little order forms to fill out and send in. How cool would it be to fill one of those out, enclose a check and get a vintage kit back in the mail?! Like if mail could travel back & forth in time...this is the kind of stuff I daydream about!
I dream about the same thing. Sending off for one of those pattern for pennies and getting back lovely in mint condition patterns. That would be wonderful. I would have so many I would not be able to walk into my house. My hubby might have something to say about that.
Do you ever see a project that you don't even finish reading the post about and you're trying to figure out how to get to the craft store this very minute because you absolutely must try that yourself and can't possibly finish anything else or start supper until you ?
I just did.
I love the colors of you embroidered box!
On the back of vintage bias binding packages, it says something like send in 3 labels and $1 for a generous package of clippings for doll's clothes. I have dreamed about being able to do that! Your box is the cutest!
What a lovely box!
May I ask where you got the box you used for this project? I've been looking for something like that...
That's lovely! Cute box!
Unfinished square wooden boxes with recessed lids are available at http://www.sunshinecrafts.com/dept_view.php?DPath=WOOD~WDBOX&Page=1. See Item #: WD-DP-9100-15. I almost missed it, since the box in the picture is so heavily decorated that I couldn't tell exactly what they were selling!
Thanks Sylvie! The box is beautiful.
I love the little bird on the branch. So cute!
This Vogart pattern is one of my faves too :D
Oooh, I'd so love to mail the coupons back and get vintage stuff *swoon*
Embroidery birdy box is lovely!
ohmigosh, I have thought the same thing when I look through my vintage magazines. I see ads for sending away for McCoy pottery or knick knacks that I collect now and wish I could send in for them. lol. That would be a Twilight Zone episode.
I have a lot of Vogart transfers that I've collected & I love using them to embroider. :)
i LOVE your embroidered box, especially because of the bird, but the colors too!
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