I was literally shaking.

My heart was beating so fast I felt faint.

But there was also heartbreak. There was another sale – advertised as an estate sale but with garage sale prices with vintage fabric & sewing supplies listed. But there was no start time. So I went as early as I dared {7:45} but two dealers had already gone through and grabbed all of it. The woman having the sale was moving and needed to get rid of stuff quickly so was selling old quilts for $5 each and fabric by the box.
You win some & you lose some…but I guess that’s what keeps me going back.
Holy paint by number score batman!
Seriously, un-freakin-believable!
so all these lovely PBN were by the same "artist" ya think?? the same estate? I would have fainted!!!! clap clap clap!!!! :-)
Those paintings are A-MA-ZING! I adore your blog. I couldn't resist posting about your fantastic score!
gorgeous! The first one is my favourite and the mountain one at the bottom - reminds me of Switzerland, great scores!
oh and the heartbreak of the fabric and quilts!!! I have nightmares about things like that
Oh god.... just hearing about the fabric and quilts you missed out on hurts my heart. I wish you had been lucky enough to get there... I wish I had been lucky enough to get there... Fabric by the box, good lord I would have filled my apartment with all of it.
Just convince yourself it was all ugly puke brown fabric or really scratchy polyester and you would have had no use for it.
Those paintings are great - one of my friends is havinga debate on her blog on whether she is a crafter or an artist - these spice the debate up a bit cos really they too are a mixture. Gutted for you on the fabric front, but maybe the quilts weren't that nice or will fall apart - some things are just meant to be x
ohmygodohmygodohmygod - I would've had heart palpitations too! I'm so glad they all went to a good and loving home!
Oh my! you really did hit the jackpot there! I love that some are in sets. Too bad about the other sale.
Oh man, that is too bad about the other one. You really do win some, lose some. :-)
oh my gosh, the ballerina/miscellaneous dancer paint by numbers are killing me! Swooning with thrift score jealousy over here!!!
Wow! That is incredible that you found all of those in the same place!! Nice job. I love the set of the deer - it fits in so well with your blog!
Sorry about that other sale.
talk about great! the last paint by numbers i found i left because i couldn't think how to explain to my bf why i was getting them, and they seemed a little overpriced. but they were nothing as good as this.
Love the paint by numbers. What a great find!!! What do you plan on doing with them all??
Too bad on the estate sale. I get bummbed also when going in search of things listed in an ad only to find out they are gone. Better luck next week. :) Got to love summer yard sales.
wow, you did score! Good Job!
Oh man that hurts! It stinks when you get somewhere and you find that out or you see someone walking away with an amazing quilt and fabric.
At a flea market this past weekend I bought a bunch of fabrics from this one lady. I should have bought her out- I tried to go back but she was gone already. Shucks.
But you really did hit the mother load with those paint by numbers.
that's a shame about missing the quilts & fabric at the one sale, but you certainly scored big on the paint by numbers! i love the deer trio!
The Mexican one is to die for!
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