Monday’s are all about thrifting {regular posting will resume next week btw} so I’ve put together a selection of items I’ve bought but really didn’t need. I thought I needed them, but really I don’t! So I’m hoping they will find a home with someone who will give their existence meaning.

There are several craft booklets involving pom poms, feathers, foam & babies. Oh my!
There are also 3 coloring books: smurfs, care bears & strawberry shortcake. I thought these would provide great line drawings for someone doing embroidery for kids.
There’s also some birds, felt flowers, ribbon & a wooden deer {like the one on our mantel.
And the bonus is this ring; I made using a thrifted earring:

I’ve been collecting vintage earrings and made rings for myself for a while now. But since the earrings come in pairs I have leftovers I’ve thought about selling on etsy. I’m not sure if there’s a market for these though so if you have any thoughts on it, let me know!
So, now you have to leave a comment so that you can be included in the drawing…don’t forget the rules, okay!
Oh, and because I want everyone to get something this week, I’m also going to be providing an embroidery pattern every day from the mail-order transfer Design #838:

You might recall that the very first transfer I shared on the blog was the chick from this collection. Fitting considering this giveaway is in honor of my 75th post, which is coming up shortly…
Thanks for the week of giveaways - it's like Christmas in March!
emily dot schildhouse at gmail dot com
I would say put the extra earrings on Etsy in lots. I've seen Jennifer Perkins from Naughty Secretary Club sell bags of her surplus jewellery bits-and-bobs on Etsy. And I definitely know people who buy them to make their own jewelery.
shanghaicowgirl.m at gmail dot com
Living in Toronto, Canada
I think there is definitely a market for your beautiful rings on ETSY! I want to buy one, for starters! :)
You should play along with the vintage embroidery week going on here:
Perfect timing! :)
Thank you for this give away. I love old books and the idea about using the coloring book for patterns is so cool, I would never of thought of that.
c_marois at sympatico dot ca
oooh,this is fun. What a neat idea making rings out of earrings!
aaron.hanna at gmail dot com
I'm in New Zealand
I am so excited to hear about your give away week. I think I am going to pass on today's since my main focus the past few weeks is getting rid of things. But....I may be entering later this week, because I am not sure that i am strong enough to resist temptation daily.
I have a fun pair of yellow and white earrings that I have been meaning to make into rings.
I have been looking forward to this!! YAY!!
littlehousebigcity at mac dot com
Oh, this is so exciting! I love all that stuff! Especially the wooden deer. Thank you for being so generous with your goodies and for sharing the pattern too!
kristena12180 at hotmail dot com
Ohh, fun! Thanks for sharing!
ermsmails AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for doing a whole week of giveaways. How exciting!
I've got a giveaway going on over at my blog through Thursday - come check it out!
kittens.lost.her.mittens at gmail dot com
Yay to a pattern a day!!
Oooh I love the little birdies in your giveaway, so sweet :P
PS. Just saying hi, you don't have to enter me in the giveaway.
This is such a neat idea! The deer is fab.
jessicaverbena at mac dot com
your thrifted items are cute. who wouldnt want to own that cute deer of urs.
do include me too
Wow you are giving away very beautiful items. I have my eye on the strawberry shortcake coloring book. :) I love the ring I think it is fab.
I am in Winnipeg Canada :)
thanks Kyla
Oops sorry my email address is
I want to go to pom pom school! What fantastic things you find!
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