This is where your weekly dose of embroidery comes from here at doe-c-doe. There are 6 categories I file everything under: baby, animals, flowers, alphabets & monograms, days of the week and misc. How do you organize your transfers? {is it my imagination or does the girl cat’s face seem to say “hey, crazy lady with her camera & transfers how about you feed me instead of doing whatever useless crap you’re doing?!”}
Today’s transfer is Superior #113 {cut but complete}

In honor of all the embroidery projects I’m juggling right now {maybe I’ll be able to show some finished things next week?} – here is the amazing Mr. Beet!

And, because I really like you, here are a couple links for embroidery related things on the web:
Alicia’s dishtowels
A messy tablecloth at theScoop
Charles Harper cross-stitch patterns at day-lab-dyi
An interesting debate & motif poll at stitchybritches
AND... {drum-roll please}... I am so honored and flattered to be mentioned on heather hales’ blog! She’s doing a give-a-way to kickoff her blog so get on over there and you might win a very cute kitty {not real, fabric – silly!} While you’re there check out her very cute etsy store and all the sweet, sweet things she makes…did I mentioned they were sweet?! {if that gnome onesie fit me I would so wear it all the time!}
Oh Thanks for the linky-love! I love the Lone Gnome too! I have seriously been thinking of a way to put it onto a women's t-shirt for me!
LOVE the dancing mushrooms. Added to my favorites and I hope to stitch it soon!
That Mr. Beet is quite talented!
Thanks for the links. I love Charley Harper's work. Not much for cross stitch but I may have to reconsider. Enjoying your blog.
I wouldn't eat a beetroot (taste like mud to me...) but I would cetrainly be very entertained by one judging from this chap! x
Ahhhhaaa that comment from Claire is great! I love to see and good song and dance put on by a beetroot myself. For real though thanks for these great patterns
i have some vintage patterns too but unfortunately, i don't know how to embroider (oy!) i'm more of a xstitch kinda gal :)
maybe its time that i learned.
Oooh lookit all those patterns!
You're very organised, I just have a ring binder with plastic sleeves for the loose one, my Vogarts in a vintage chocolate tin, and all the others in a shoebox. That's why I had to start the blog to try and remember what I've got!
Love the vegies, thanks so much for sharing! I feel a bit like a juggling radish myself.
The mushrooms in the blue circle on the cover remind me of Milk & Cheese for some reason, haha.
I found the Superior picture through Hoop Love and was really excited to see someone else had these! My great-grandmother's transfer collection includes these, and I really enjoy them.
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