Okay, back to thrifting. I thought I'd show you some close-ups of the thrifted items I put on my worktable that inspire and make me happy to look at while I'm working there.

The red tin I picked up this past summer - the other two I've had for awhile. That log planter has to be one of my all-time favorites. I got it this summer and it was $7 at the local thrift store. I was so excited when I saw it and clutched it desperately on my way to the register, worrying it might all be a dream. The bird dish was this weekend's find and I'm just so enamored with her.

She's so red and so sweet. The earrings are part of a large collection I've been amassing for the last year so that I could put into place a little business selling things on etsy to support my thrifting compulsion. Haven't quite put that in motion yet but I would like to sometime soon.

I scored this ornament this fall. Another one of my favorites and a very random find at an otherwise very drab estate sale. So let that be a lesson to all of us - you gotta check them all out because you never know!

Okay, this clock is also one of my all-time favorites {I know...but I can have several favorites can't I? Like how many do you think would be an acceptable number of favorites? 20? No, lets make it 30 because I'm pretty sure I can name 17 more without breaking a sweat. So there you go, we can each have 30 favorites, I'm glad we got that settled.} I got it at an estate sale in my neighborhood this past summer and believe it was $7. The little pair of framed girls are actually printed on fabric and are signed "Wert". Anyone know anything about that name? The Oriole is one of a pair, but his mate's leg is broken. They have metal feet and are covered with a sort of flocked material, which gathers dust like a magnet. I got the pair for $2.
Wow, I think that's enough for today - I don't want to bore you!
such pretty things to look at!
How bout you giveaway those pretty framed girls... to me :)
A great giveaway, I love to enter ones for fabric, buttons, thirfted goodness I think just about ANYTHING you have in your home that you could part with would be worth ANYONES wild! Cant wait to see what the great giveaway will be!
You always find the best things! It's so funny that you mention a giveaway, because I just announced a giveaway on my blog today! Great minds, right?
I think any one of your wonderful treasures, or any one of your lovely embroidery works would make for a well received giveaway.
Wonderful finds. Love the log planter too!
All so beautiful! The bird is especially lovely...may I ask if it has a stamp or any sort of identifier on the bottom? May have to keep an eye out for one myself...!
Not sure about a giveaway, doubtless people would be happy to receive anything.
I know what you mean about the comments - starting to blog can be really daunting and the comments I get keep me going too in my little corner of blogland. I think if you were to have a giveaway people would love to have something you have made, or altered - that separates it out as being from you, not anyone else.
I love the red and turquoise - I wanted to use those colours at my wedding, and people had been giving me some really odd looks (I seem to provoke a lot of them, so I'm kinda used to it!) and seeing the two colours together has confirmed that for me, so thanks! x
you guys really helped me get excited about the giveaway - I'm going to try to make it a mix of things, many of which you guys have suggested!
I need to check out your blog early bird...
Jennifer - the bird doesn't have anything on the bottom of it, sorry. I wish you luck in finding one though & if you do let me know!
Great finds! That red bird dish is great. So fun filled with your blue earrings. Love it!
I think your giveaway will be fabulous. Let's see you have so many delightful things on this post I am not sure what to comment on. First off I love the red and the turquoise together. Who would have figured that those two colors are a greay combination? So would that collection be turqoise clipon earrings? Very cool if it is.
Oh, that's fine, thank you so much for looking! It shall make the hunt all the more exciting, no doubt.
I think the earrings are such a neat thing to collect. My boyfriend collected nickels when I first met him. I think that is neat too. I mean he wasn't like mount them to his wall and go to coin shows collector, more like if he found a nickle year that he liked he kept it zippered in his wallet. Ahh, collections so much fun.
I just wanted to let you know a little more about the treasure you scored at the estate sale. The little coo coo clock is from either Denmark or Germany and is from the late 60s or 70s. My godmother gave me one around that time. She picked it up while she was stationed overseas.
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