Another great source for embroidery designs is vintage coloring books. I was reminded of this after discovering Picnic by Ellie’s amazing photos on flickr last night. I always watch out for them when thrifting since they tend to be on the cheap side. So I dug out one to share with you today as well as the children’s books I had already planned on. {I scanned so many things from the books that I wanted to share, but its alot for one post so I'm just going to put the covers here and the rest of the pages in the vintage childrens book pool on flickr if you're interested in seeing more.}

Title: Adventures with Words
Author: Adelaide Holl
Illustrator: J.P.Miller
Copyright: 1963 (mine is the 1970 Edition)

Title: Walt Disney’s story of Hansel & Gretel
Illustrator: not attributed
Copyright: MCMLXVll

Title: Fun to Do Coloring Book
Author: Whitman Publishing Co.
Illustrator: Vincent & Dorothy Fago
Copyright: 1966
Yesterday the guy bought me some flowers; they are so springy I thought I’d share them.

That glass apothecary jar is new – I’m trying to think of something clever to fill it with, any ideas?
And one last thing, a sneak peek of the embroidery post coming tomorrow - see you then!

I never would have thought to check vintage cookbooks for embroidery ideas. Children's books are perfect too! I have been starting to collect children's books because they just make me so happy. I'll have to relook at them and see what fun ideas I can pull from them. I think making freezer paper designs from kid's books would be cool too.
So far I like the wire baskets!!
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