Okay, seven random things per betttyninja:
1. When I was a young girl I was horse-crazy & had a collection of horse figures that number more than 200 {obsessive collecting started early – I still have them packed away}
2. The year I was in 8th grade my junior high made shop class open to girls for the first time – I was one of a small hand-full of girls that took them up on the offer. I made a shelf…
3. I raised pigs & took them to the county fair for several years when I was in 4-H
4. I also never finished a sewing project when I was in 4-H, I would start them but my mom always finished them for me the night before they were due
5. I am allergic to penicillin – like my dad
6. I don’t believe raisins should be put in anything where they get warm and swell up – that is wrong
7. I apply Blistex lip balm approx. 15 times a day & keep tubes handy in:
- the bathroom
- the living room
- in my purse
- in my car
- by my computer
I don’t really know many bloggers yet, so lets just say you’re tagged if you’ve ever left a comment on my blog or count me as a contact on flickr – that’s probably not even 7 people but I’m new at this so cut me some slack!
Hope you’re having a nice weekend! Now lets go make the most of the rest of it…see you tomorrow with some more thrifted stuff.
Did you have a Misty of Chicoteague figure? I had maybe 20horses and most went missing after my dad took them to a storage unit years in the early 80's. So did my Nancy Drew books and I am still bitter. (Such happy comments!)
I took shop in junior high too! I was the only girl, but I was so against taking home ec and sewing. Go figure! Thanks for playing tag!
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