I don't know how I found this website, but its called exceedingly curious. Its 254 pages from a public domain embroidery stamping pattern catalog from 1886 by J.F. Ingalls.

Now I just need to figure out how to function with no sleep so I can actually get some embroidery done...
Thanks for the link to Exceedingly Curious - this is quite the little treasure trove of exquisite designs!
New to your blog - love it - I'll be back.
I agree, sometimes I end up stitching with my eyes half shut!!
I did make the woman ironing from the Ingalls patterns...
Wow this is a great site. I really like the owl letters you have up on this post. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for this link!
It is updated now, to...
I thoroughly enjoyed the tutorials John Governale has up. Informative and fun.
Juno's Place
Cards by Carol
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