Friday, July 29, 2011

the lion king

{have a wonderful weekend!}

Thursday, July 28, 2011

thursday = embroidery

the second gigantic cross stitch circus letter has been charted & started:

another custom order has been sent off:

and I'm loving ms. kitty's little apron in this week's vintage embroidery pattern:

happy stitching!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

recently thrifted

the one thing I never seem to be able to find when thrifting is vintage t's...but I did come across this pattern recently so now I sort of have some!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

a little piece of joyland

ever since I stumbled on the old joyland amusement park back in 2009 & took this photo:

I've hoped that one day I might be able to own a piece of it somehow. well over the weekend craigslist provided just that:

it's a simple sign & not very big but I'm happy to have found it. of course I'd love to find more pieces but if I never do at least I have this one :)

I knew it was a long shot but I went back to one of the websites I found back in 2009 to see if by any chance I could find a photograph with the sign in it, no luck...but what did pop up in my search results was something new, a beautifully haunting short film:

No Joy from Mike Petty on Vimeo.

Friday, July 22, 2011



out & about:

on pinterest:

{have a wonderful weekend!}

Thursday, July 21, 2011

thursday = embroidery

one gigantic circus letter down, one to go!

and this week's vintage embroidery pattern are two sweet birds & lots of flowers:

happy stitching :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

out & about

at the thrift store:

Monday, July 18, 2011

recently thrifted

I couldn't resist the graphics on this bottle:

Friday, July 15, 2011

pirate dogs of the caribbean & a winner

and the winner of the ring as selected by the random number generator is comment #2:

congratulations andrea - please email me {via my profile} or leave a comment with your contact info.

{have a wonderful weekend!}

Thursday, July 14, 2011

thursday = embroidery

I re-discovered this thrifted napkin I had stretched across a wooden frame recently & decided I wanted to finish it off with a happy word in a happy font on some happy fabric:

I'm really happy with how it came out :)

and for this week's vintage embroidery pattern I've got this cute little illustration that was on a envelope I thrifted...although it's not technically a pattern I thought it would cute stitched up nonetheless:

happy stitching!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

recently thrifted

and for scale as well as being I think a very funny accompanist, I've included him in my latest accordion video in which I play a polka while wearing a polka dot skirt because I also thought that was very funny. I'm easily amused I guess...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

go fly a kite

at the end of last summer I bought a kite on clearance at target for a couple bucks with the idea to use it as a template & skeleton for a patchwork kite...almost a year later I finally got around to doing it:

I used a damaged vintage quilt top I had thrifted & already cut into:

I just cut out the shape with a little extra to fold over, stitched that up then cut off the tabs from the original kite, attached them to the patchwork & reinserted the original plastic support rods:

for the tail I used some solder wire since it's so light but it was silver so I painted it white then tied on some little scrap bits for the bows:

to attach it to the kite I just shaped a little hook at the one end & slipped it into the tab at the easy, I don't know why I put the whole project off for so long!

Monday, July 11, 2011

rings & a giveaway

while on the roadtrip I didn't thrift wasn't my plan to seek places out so I just left it to fate. but obviously fate didn't think I needed anymore crap because she really didn't put many places in my path & when she did they were either closed or there wasn't anything I liked. so in the end the only thing I bought were some stones at the wall drug rock shop which I turned into rings once home:

they only cost about a dollar each then I just added a little E6000 adhesive, a
ring blank & that's that...

and I bought an extra agate to giveaway as a little thank you for putting up with all those dang photos:

just leave a comment on this post & I will announce the winner on this friday's {the 15th} post.

p.s. the ring is adjustable & feel free to enter if you live outside the usa

p.s.s. the dog says good luck & do you see what I have to put up with?!:

Friday, July 8, 2011

a roadtrip

the last batch of photos...finally ;)

{have a wonderful weekend!}

Thursday, July 7, 2011

a roadtrip

it's hard to describe wall drug, it's sort of a restaurant, gift shop & roadside attraction all mixed into one huge sprawling complex. I was overwhelmed with how much stuff there was to photograph but at the same time it was so crowded with people it was difficult to get good shots of many things. so I ended up with mostly photos of the taxidermy animals they had all over the place but I'll ease into it with some colorful little rides first...