over the weekend, I finished up a batch of little embroidered dresses for my upcoming shop update:

and in a belated effort to celebrate my 1 year blog anniversary I'm having a little giveaway for this one:

you wil have until sunday feb. 8th @ 6:00pm to leave one comment on this post to enter {comments will be closed after that}.
in your comment please feel free to leave ideas for future dog photos or suggestions for things you'd like to see on the blog - you won't get any extra advantage in the drawing & I don't guarantee I'll follow through with any of them - its not required, I'm just curious.
oh, and its okay to enter if you live outside the usa.
I'll post the winner next monday.
I don't have any suggestions cause I think your blog is perfect! I love the mix of thrifted finds and embroidery patterns and your whimsical dog photos! Your newest creations are adoravle!
i absolutely adore these gina.. i would love to have the whole set sitting over my computer desk so i could look at them every day. :-) they are lovely! i'm just so loving your embroidery pieces!
I want to know where to get my very own sewing capsule!
I love all of these so much! I'd be happy to win! :)
Good golly, these are AMAZING! I love this series you have going and would love to have a whole set of 'em on my wall. The detailed stitching, the great colors... they're painfully cute!
Thanks for the chance to win one- green is my fave color, too! :)
These are such a fantastic idea! I tried to do something similar not too long ago and failed miserably.
Thank you for such a beautiful blog.
would love to get my hands on one of your embroidered pieces and see how you do your magic!
Oh, I love that little coat and I know exactly who I would give this too (although it would be hard to part with). A friend of mine just got a coat like that and is very smitten with it. I have only recently found your blog, so I have no suggestions, sorry. But, I do like it very much.
Just found you. These are adorable. Pick me, please pick me. Can you tell I never win :)
Ah, I've been taking a break in the new year, but I'm glad I came back in time to see this. These little dresses are too adorable. I really love your style.
This isn't much in the way of suggestion, but I'd love to see/know what you do with all the thrifted things you find. You acquire such great things, and so many of them that I wonder where you keep them all! ;)
I know sure what to say regarding suggestions...but I can tell you I visit your blog for inspiration. My thrift-store self enjoys your repurposing and photo posts.
Pretty little clothes, and such a great idea! Thanks for the giveaway op!
I always love seeing what you've thrifted, and bits of your house. Living in NYC, that's what I dream about- amazing thrift stores and the space to collect...
Happy Blogversary!! I'd love to see some photos of your crafting area!
I absolutely love these!! Are the pictures from the pattern covers? I am new to the embroidery thing and I just love all the cute ideas on your blog - thank you for all the amazing projects!!!
I love these and your blog. I know it's not typically what you do on this site, but I would love a tutorial on how to make the vintage earrings into rings. My mom has a ton of vintage clip-ons that are never worn as earrings and I would love to try my hand at converting them.
I have no suggestions, I lurve coming to your blog. :) My favouritist part is when you post vintage embroidery patterns. <3
Great colors! Acid green and Robin's Egg blue are two of my favorite colors, and they look great together.
Oh i would adore this! Thanks for the chance!
Your embroidery pieces are very lovely--and I really love the colors in the coat piece. Your blog is quite enjoyable--I have only just stumbled across it. I'm sad I didn't find you sooner! Thank you so much for your beautiful images and generous giveaway.
Please enter me for the giveaway. Thanks.
these are so adorable! love it!
i would like to see more funny faces with your pup... like the one with the mustache... it made my day!
What a great giveaway. I always love what you have on your blog.
Congratulations!!! I would love to win. But even more a tutorial on how you do these!!!
I visit your blog for inspiration and I'm never disappointed. Congratulations on the One Year!
i just love seeing your embroidery on your blog, these are fantastic!
I love your blog. I started following for the free embroidery patterns and then got sucked in by every other catergory/day. I would love to see some more vintage magazine projects for each holiday like you did for Christmas. Valentines, some cool 60's St Patty's stuff, etc....
As for the dog, can he/she model some of your great rings? Fabulous!
Your blog is wonderful. I love the pdf downloads and the wonderful photos.
I am SO in love with those wee dresses! TOO adorable!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! In my mind I know who I would give this to, but in my heat I would want to keep it!!! I think I'll have to visit your shop and snag one or two for myself! I just found your blog this past week and oh boy, am I glad I did. I hope to purchase one of your embroidered patterns for my mom. Don't have any suggestions because I'm new to you but it all seems...perfect. Thanks for sharing!! Karen
These are cute.
I really don't know if you can top the dog in bonnet photos, they are some of my faves.
Love them! Absolutely gorgeous :)
Been following your blog for some time now Gina, and am absolutely in love with your work. Love your embroidery and so generous of you to share so many great patterns week after week. You are truly an inspiration !! Keep up the amazing work.
PS: The dog pics are too good. :-)
Well I'm a big proponent of more dogs in hats... but that's only because I couldn't wrestle my dog into a hat to save his life.
I'd like to see more of your finished embroidery. You post lots of patterns (which I love! Thanks!) but I like to see what people do with them too.
- melissajohill (at gmail.com)
I love everything you make but these adorable little dresses are by far my favorite! Would love to see more in the future.
Oh, fantastic giveaway, Gina! The dresses are just gorgeous. Honestly, I don't have any suggestions for your blog - I love it just as it is!
Green is my favorite color!
I just love your blog and creativity.
This is such a lovely color of green.
oh man. really really really really want this. thanks for being so generous, and happy belated blogiversary.
I'm so glad you're giving one of these away! If I wasn't unemployed and broke, I'd buy the whole set. As for dog pictures, I just say post more. I always enjoy seeing your canine model.
I absolutely love this piece! The colors would be just perfect in my sewing room. Keep the dog pictures coming! I'm the proud owner of a rescue pit bull mix who is my eternal crafting companion, and seeing your pictures has inspired me to start taking some of my own.
As a previous poster has said, I don't have any suggestions because I enjoy your blog so much as it is! I love to see your thrifted finds and the things you make.
I don't really have any suggestions, but I do love your all of the pictures that you post.
the dresses look really great! no suggestions here, I love seeing all your photos, you take such good ones
i love your pattern collages. they evoke memories of a simpler time, and they are so skillfully and beautifully executed. this might be a no-no because they are part of your business, but would you share how you make them?
woopsie... my contact info is jennifer.pryor@yahoo.com
So cute! Congrats on your blogiversary :) If I won, I think I'd have to gift this to my friend, Alice, who would totally love a green coat like that.
As for blog/dog photo suggestions, I'm pretty much drawing a blank. I love what you've got going on already! Your dog is certainly a cooperative little photo subject.
I don't really have any suggestions for you. I love your blog the way it is! I can't imagine what would make it better. Happy blogiversary!
Your blog is like a good mix tape! Lots of upbeat fun :) I'd like to see a unibrow on your pup. Just sounds fun! Love your work! xo
Sorry to all the other blog posters, these are MINE! :)
Congratulations on your blog aniversary. Your blog is alway a great inspiration for me. I love all the embroidery you make and these clothes are adorable!
pas de suggestion...
bon anniversaire
Happy bloggy aniversary! I would be thrilled to win some of your work! No suggestions, I love your blog already!
I have no suggestions, everything about your blog is great as is!
I'd love to enter in the giveaway.
I'd love to see you do another pillow, like the wonderful I Love Lucy one you did a long time ago. That was inspiring.
Or if it's allowed a few more of those awesome Ondori books that are Out of print. Oh my goodness, I fell in love with those.
This is really beautiful and perfect for the room I just repainted.
I love your work.
I have never seen anything as cute as that, I am adding you to my googl reader!
Pnkcndy at sbcglobal dot net
oh it's adorable. I love the green on aqua!
I have to say, I really like dogs in sunglasses.
I did something similar to this for my non-loom class in college. Very nice.
I found you recently I was looking for Vintage patterns I come by daily your site is perfect. I love the dog photos. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Thank you
I love your blog! It always gives me inspiration daily. Thank you for all that you do!
These are just lovely, your blog is very inspiring.
I would love to have this in my home!!
I just found your blog...and I have to go to work...I will be back, and can hardly wait to sit with cup of coffee and explore your site.
I am partial to weiner dogs...
please enter me, this is adorable.
I love it when you dress your dog up. More please. lol.
I am so inspired by your blog. Keep up the good work. Love the little dress in the photo fame as well. I hope I win. :)
I love the way they all look together! my favorite is the red one which I will snatch up if I make it in time. I'm trying to figure out when the shop update will be.
this fancy coat is a great shade of olive green. beautiful!
suggestion - I'd love to see more of your process in making these!
Oh gosh, I could look at dog photos all day. Does your dog have any fashionable outfits? That's what I'd like to see. And of course, I love dogs in the bathtub.
I also love to see artists at work, like hte above posters have said, I'd like to see some of your work IN PROCESS.
These dresses are adorable. I'd love to win!
These are adorable. Thanks for the giveaway!
Those dresses are so sweet. The green on blue would look great in my place too! :-)
Oh, squee. Pick me random-number-generator, pick me.
So cute! I love the one with the little plaid skirt especially!
All your things are super cute. I have to admit, I think of you when I see paint by numbers at thrift stores now.
I really love your blog and your embroidery work! super cute!
I love your blog and all you do!
your blog is pretty perfect. it is one of the 1st ones i ever visited actually! thanks for the chance to win!
So pretty! I'm happy to be able to post and say so. Beautiful work.
Beautiful. Please pick me.
I love this blog and the journey it has taken over the last little while. No suggestions, just a lot pf praise for a space that is so full of inspiration! :)
Greetings! I just now discovered your blog today (a good friend of mine turned me on to you) and I have to admit, I'm already hooked! Since noon I have visited your blog about 6 times to check things out! LOL! I love the variety, the creativity and the sometimes, randomness of your blog! It's refreshing, inspiring and uplifting! And you have the cutest pets! I adore your framed little coat but, I think if I were to win, I would give it as a gift to my girlfriend that introduced me to your blog to begin with! Thanks so much for sharing yourself with all of us!!!
WOW if only we all could be so lucky to win this is so darn cute! Best of luck with the idea and with you blog it is fasinating. Gayle
I don't have any suggestions for you because I love your blog as it is, I say just keep being you! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
oh! that little green dress is so lovely!
thanks for the chance to win it! it would be a delight to have, for sure! :)
I love your blog, I found it through another blog from my google reader that linked to you (though i'm sorry to say i don't remember who's it was now, sorry!)
i love all the thrifty stuff you find, and it's made my list of things to look for in the thrift stores (i try to go once a week, and i go garage saling AT LEAST once a week in the summer too! i can't help it! so many good finds! and cheap!) much much much longer!
keep up the amazing work!
They are all so precious, G! I'm always amazed at your creativity with these embroidered outfits and wonder, 'How does she do it?'
Consider me entered. <3
I love every single one of the little dresses. And I wouldn't change a thing in your blog...love it.
Why fix somthing that isn't broken?! No suggestions here. Looks great as is.
Your dresses are so very sweet. I would love to be included in this special giveaway!
I love your blog just as it is - please don't change. Lovely giveaway - hope it finds its way to my front door. a.haun@sbcglobal.net
They are so beautiful!! I would feel very special if one of them came home with me. Love your blog!!
Cute! That's such a fun idea!
I'm coming out of lurking to tell you how much I adore your blog and these wee dresses, they are so sweet!!
Oh I love these embroidered thingy mabobs! I actually found some vintage patterns at one of my fav vintage shops of which I purchased with thoughts that maybe I could make one of these wall hangings that you so beautiful do. You've inspired me ... I'd love to know any pointers you'd be willing to share ... so maybe that could be a post you consider doing in the future but then again maybe not since you sell them yourself. I'd just love to make one myself cuz I love to keep my hands busy. Anywho, gorgeous work!
I love your blog and your embroidery is beautiful.
i love the colors! so beautiful! congrats on one year!
They are all adorable!
Congrats on your anniversary!!!
I adore your embroidered dresses.
I honestly don't have any ideas for future pictures or things, I just know I have you as a favorite on my list and view each time you update.
I just don't say much.:-)
Well I don't have any suggestions yet because I just found your blog (through One Pretty Thing). But I think that dress is so beautiful!
oh my lord!! I love this!!
Absolutely adore all the dresses but the green coat on the acqua background is beyond gorgeous. No suggestions for your blog - love it as it is. It's one of the few I subscribe to that never fails to provide inspiration.
I love all your creations. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy all the patterns that you share with us. I dont think you should change a thing.
I don't have any suggestions either.. but I have a mad mad crush on this!
Wow! Lots of comments for the giveaway! That's great. I'd love to be entered. That's a beautiful piece. Thanks for the giveaway.
Why not take pictures of kitty in an apron or sunglasses! =)
i'd like to see pics of your workspace, and i soooooo love it when you dress your dog up in bonnets, ties, and other thrifty finds!
How cute the little dress is. Please include me in your drawing.
Well, I can't think of anything to change about your blog, please write the same thing and post the same thing.. I love your vintage finds the most!
Thank you for such lovely chance!
I am enamored with all of your photography and the embroidered works of art. Your blog is one of my favorite little indulgences and I look forward to checking it out each week. I would not even know what to suggest for the future of your blog because your creativity always amazes me! All I can say is just keep up the great work! ...Oh yeah, and I hope I'm the winner...
too cute!
Love your blog and your Etsy shop -- I wouldn't change a thing :)
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win one your lovely creations!
Wowza, what a great give-away! Please throw my name in the hat.
I have a friend tyhat would be beyond thrilled to get this as a gift. Please enter me!
Pestkaj (at)yahoo(dot)com
So cute! I have no ideas though - carry on as you are!
Your little pictures are adorable!
I couldn't ask for more - your blog is perfect. I like the embroidery, dog pics, vintage finds and I can't think of anything to add. Thanks for the chance to win!
just found your blog today and I love your embroidery art. I would love to have something of yours.
i love your blog just the way it is!!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
Love your blog..and everything you make. Your dog is amazing to sit so still for the photos - I too would have a problem getting anything on mine. Ideas? Maybe something more on vintage patterns and vintage magazines, diy or how to's, how you set up your items so well for your photos..
Love your blog, Gina. You have mad design and creativity skills, girl! I don't have a blog, but you can FlickMail me at CRF_Kitty
Your blog is inspiring! I've always loved the vintage style and all your embroidery is amazing. Love the green coat :)
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